All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Greater Houston's Wall of Faces

This is a project for everyone who cares about this country, who cares about the military and who appreciates the sacrifices that have been made. It’s up to us to make sure that courage and selflessness like this is not forgotten.
The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Fund and CEO Jim Knotts provided the names of the Service Members. All those listed of the wall were registered into the service while residing in counties of Harris, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Montgomery, Waller, Liberty, Chambers, and Galveston.
Our goal is to collect stories and photos for each of the 544 names listed here. If you are family, friends, or served with any of these service members, you may contact us using the form below.
Service Men Listed By County
Brazoria County 21 Fallen Warriors

* Please let us know if a name has been misspelled or if a name is not here that should be added.*

Alvin - 6 Killed In Action
Alford Jr., CLP George Allen Brown, PFC Donald Gene
Dixon Jr., PFC William Alfred
Fracione, CLP Frederick R
King, PFC Carson Milo
Plaster Jr., CLP Bill Joe CLP
Angleton - 4 Killed In Action
Cherry, SSG James L
Cotton, CWO Charles Michael
Lambert, PO3 Walter Dennis
Simons, SGT Garvis Keith
Brazoria- 1 Killed In Action
Nevels, SP4 John A
Clute - 1 Killed In Action
LCPL James R Majors
Damon, 1 Killed In Action
Ferguson, PFC Thomas A
Freeport, 1 Killed In Action
Chuter, PO2 John D
Lake Jackson, 1 Killed In Action
Blair, SP4 Thomas Arthur
Pearland,2 Killed In Action
Fernandez Jr., SFC Margarito
Pena Jr., SFC Joe
Rosharon, 1 Killed In Action
Sanders, CPL Clyde Douglas
Sweeny, 2 Killed In Action
Hardwick, LCPL Rockne L
Swinford lll, PFC Frank L
West Columbia, 1 Killed In Action
Moran, WO Joe M
Chambers County 16 Fallen Warriors

Anahuac, 1 Killed In Action
Humphrey, CPL Charles E'
Baytown, 14 Killed In Action
Carter Jr., 2LT James Douglas
Drynan , SSG Arthur W
Fisher Jr., CLP Royal Clifton
Hale, PFC Robert Lawrence
Humphrey, PFC Victor James
Kilgore, CLP Charles Howard
Pena, SP4 Daniel Pena
Roberts, PFC Thurston Craig
Simmons, PFC Jake A
Smelser, PFC Roger Wayne
Sonnier, SP4 Albert Wilber
Spangler, CLP George Owen
Tameyoza, SP4 Noe
Wilder, SGT Ronald Frederick
Winnie, 2 Killed In Action
Comeaux, PFC Joseph Bernille
Parnell, CPL Billy Ray

Arcola, 1 Killed In Action
Berger, CPL Dixie C
Needville, 2 Killed In Action
DeLuna Jr, CPL Manuel
Flores Jr, PFC Antonio
Richmond, 4 Killed In Action
Becerra, SSG Rudy Morales
Clay Jr., CPL Herman Allen
Corrales, PFC Richard Mendoza
Fendley, CPL Joel David
Rosenberg, 2 Killed In Action
Cox, SSG Gary Lee
Hibbler, SP5 Richard Wayne
Stafford, 2 Killed In Action
Medina, CPL Arthur
Ortiz, PFC Pedro Moreno

Fort Bend County 11 Fallen Warriors

Galveston County 58 Fallen Warriors

Bacliff, 1 Killed In Action
Padget, PFC Dallas L
Dickerson, 1 Killed In Action
Flagg, SSGT Alton O
Friendswood, 1 Killed In Action
Roach, CLP Johnny Franklin
Galveston, 32 Killed In Action
Allen lll, SP4 Andrew A
Beran lll, LCPL Frank H
Booth, LCPL John B
Bovio, CPT Richard S
Clement Jr, CPT Gregory C
Cole Jr, SGT Claude
D’Agrella, PFC Michael L
Gallardo, CPL Armando
Gallardo, MAJ Harper B
Garcia, PFC Richard
Haney, LCPL Perry E
Kempner, 2LT Marion L
Kimling, PFC Miles W
Lile ll, SP4 Joe C
Limbrick, SGT Allen I
Martinez Jr, SGT Sixto R
Muller Jr, SGT Walter
Najar Jr, CPL Alfred S
Nance, A1C Richard A
O’Hara, SP4 John P
Pate, 1LT Milton D
Pitts, PFC Robert A
Ramos Jr, LCPL Felix R
Sabatier Jr, SP4 Charles J
Serenil, PFC Ricardo
Silvee, PFC Herman W
Stelter Jr, CPL Nyman W
Torreros, PFC Joes
Tyler, SGT Larry J
Valusek, SGT Dennis W
Winters, SP4 John L
Woodcock, PFC Michael K
Hitchcock, 1 Killed In Action
Mangun, SGT Sam H
Kemah, 3 Killed In Action
Benson , SGT Guye Raymond
Cumbry , PFC John Edward
Tharp , SGT Jerry Donald
La Marque, 7 Killed In Action
Batson, PFC Michael O
Enmon, SP4 David J
Fleming, LCPL Sidney W
Horton Jr, 2LT Harry W
Lightfoot, PFC Belvin
Loftis, A1C Joel C
Wilt Jr, LCPL John W
League City, 1 Killed In Action
Floyd, Sp4 James Milton
San Leon, 2 Killed In Action
Boehm, PFC Larry Joe
Cleveland, PFC Melvin R
Texas City, 9 Killed In Action
Bice, CPL Quinton Morgan
Craig, SP4 Wain Perry
Herrington, SGT Charles Edward
Hillman, CPL Ronald Arwed
Hood, PFC Rufus
McCarty, SGT Glenn Weldon
Medley, SP4 John R
Spencer, SGT Robert Dale
Steinbach, LCPL Thomas Raymond
Harris County 407 Fallen Warriors

Bellaire, 3 Killed In Action
Callaway, 1LT Michael Rogers
Driscoll, CLP Victor Michael
Stephens Jr., SP4 William
Channelview, 4 Killed In Action
Brown, LCPL Billy Edward
Bryant, CLP Alvia Grady
Cherry, SSG James L
Lindsey, PFC William Royal
Manning, 1LT John Edward
Deer Park, 3 Died Due to
Hostile Action
King, SSG Jack Lloyd
Mareck, CPL Raymond Donald
Meredith, SP4 Clyde Peyton
Galena Park, 3 Killed In Action
Goodwin, PFC Charles Ray
Johnson, SP4 Roy L
Spillers lll, LCLP Leroy
Highlands, 2 Killed In Action
Goodman, SSG James A
Kittrell, PFC Larry Don
Humble, 2 Killed In Action
Condon, CPT Russell William
Watt, PFC Robert Lee
Jacinto City, 1 Killed In Action
Holt, Pfc Ronald Walter
La Porte, 3 Killed In Action
Baker Jr., A1C Kenneth Earl
Phillips, SP4 Roger Lee
Platt, SGT Billy Wayne
New Waverley, 1 Killed In Action
Noviski, CPL Bernis Joseph
Pasadena, 22 Killed In Action
Alford, CWO Terry Lanier
Baker Jr., SGT Robert Benton
Bonin, SGT Bobby Joe
Caldwell, PFC Merlin Francis
Carter, SGT Ardon William
Connevey, 1LT Layne Hale
Culver, PVT William Ronald
Greenwood, TSGT James William
Hamilton, SP4 Robert David
Hardin, SP4 James Richard
Hotchkiss III, PFC Letroy Case
Howard, PO3 Bruce Lee
Jablonsky Jr., CPT Edmond A
Mc Nelis Jr., PO2 Frank Charles
Nicholas Jr., PFC Paul Russell
Page, SP6 Edgar De Witt
Radford, PFC Gary Monroe
Smith Jr., LTC Warren Parker
Sparks, LCPL James Henry
Stoll, SP4 George Ludwig
Westerfield, 2LT Frank Brown
Seabrook, 1 Killed In Action
Schaefer, PFC John Steve
South Houston, 3 Killed In Action
French, LCPL Douglas Robert
Hopkins, CPL Gary Wayne
Reynolds, PFC Larry Allen
Tomball, 2 Killed In Action
Curtis, SP4 Herbert Ray
Martin, SP4 Lonnie Gene
From Harris County There Are 407 KIA
357 Were Enlisted In Houston Texas

Aalund, SGT James Downing
Adams lll, CLP Bert Morris
Adams, MAJ Hughie Darrell
Adams, PFC Ted W
Adams, SP4 George Gayral
Aguilar Jr, CPL Nick Alfred
Aleen Jr, SGT Earnest
Alexander, LTJG Dewey Lee
Allen, PFC John Willis
Anderson, LCPL Richard Allen
Antrich, SSG Jerry Leon
Ashford, CPL Henry Lewis
Ashmore, LCPL Laurence Ray
Austin, LCPL Riley Clayton
Bacik, LTC Vladimir Henry
Baker, SSGT Allen James
Barnett, CDR Charles Edward
Barnett, PFC Jimmy Dalton
Bass, PFC Joe Harrell
Batson, SGT Robert Filmore
Battle, PFC Joseph Chriss
Bell, MAJ Robert Graham
Belt, SP4 Robert Eric
Benge, LCPL Larry Wayne
Bergquist, WO Eric Emanuel
Berry, SP4 David Loyall
Bird Jr, PFC Jackie Dean
Blalock, PFC Gherald Edward
Blissett, SP4 Jimmie Ray
Bloodsworth, SP4 Larry Will
Bourgeois, PFC Leroy Anthony
Bourgeois, PFC Tommy
Brown Jr, PFC Dewey Hearrell
Brown Jr, SP4 Owen Davis
Brown, LCPL Robert Allon
Buller, PFC Rene Aldo
Burciaga, SP4 Albert
Burge, CPL Ben Carlos
Burke, WO Joseph Scott
Burnette, PFC Michael Robert
Butcher, SSG Davis Carroll
Byars, LCPL Earnest Ray
Byrd, LCPL Arthur Malcolm
Calderon, PFC Cesario
Callison, Pfc Donald Joseph
Cameron, 1LT Gerald Wayne
Canter, CAPT Ronald M
Carroll, PFC Michael David
Carroll, WO Wesley Womble
Castillo, PFC Jose Jaime
Champion, SSG James Albert
Chitwood, SSG Roy Duke
Cline lll, PFC Joseph Oliver
Cochran Jr, PFC Isom Carter
Cockrell, SP4 Wilber R
Coker, LCPL Troy Orion
Coleman, SSG Bobby Walter
Collins Jr, SP4 William Elice
Colunga, PFC George
Connacher, LCPL Ronnie Edward
Cooley, SP4 Harvey Lynn
Cooper, SP5 James William
Cope, CPL Charles Ricky
Copp, SP4 Barry Alan
Cordova, SSGT John Barelas
Cormier, PFC Francis Joseph
Courtney, 1LT Allen Wesley
Coy, SP4 Ben
Craft, SP4 James
Crossley, SGT Michael Lee
Crouch, LCPL Jimmy Leeland
Crum Jr, 2LT Robert H
Darrett, PFC Tyrone
Davis, PFC Willie Edward
Davis, Pvt Jon Eric
Davis, SP4 Robert Charles
Davis, SP4 Robert Ford
De La Paz Jr, SP4 Hilario
De Voe, PFC Michael Eugene
Dehart, PFC Donnie Ray
Delgado, PFC Gilbert Trevinio
Dennis, CPL Dan Michael
Denton, SGT Bobby Lee
Dimock Jr, 1LT James Albert
Dobroski, SP4 John Lee
Doose, PFC Gary Lee
Douglas, Conn, 1LT James
Dudley Jr, 1LT Lawrence Wesley
Duke, MAJ George Glenn
Dunbar, PFC Allen Sevarn
Eaden, SGT William Henry
Ehlers, SP4 Douglas Gary
Fahey Jr, CAPT Joseph Michael
Fan, SGT Gary Lee
Farley Jr, SP4 Robert Jerry
Fernandez, SFC William Matthew
Findley, PFC Robert Dennis
Fitzsimmons, 1LT Larry Lee
Floyd, CPL Larvon
Freeman, CPL Steven Forrest
Friel, LCPL John Charles
Frierson, SGT Eddie Tyree
Fuller, MAJ William Otis
Garcia, SP4 David Adame
Garrett Jr, SP4 Eugene
Garrett, SGT Thomas Steven
Garza, SGT Vicente
Gatlin, CPL Ivan Webster
Gibbs, PFC Raymond Andrew
Gillespie, MSG Lloyd Dean
Goggan, CPL Herbert Gary
Golemon Jr, SGT Floyd Edward
Gomez, CPL Xavier
Gonzales, PFC Pedro Chavarria
Gregg, SP5 Johnny Glen
Grier, CN Jimmie Lee
Grimes, LCPL Gary Dempsy
Grisby, CPL Don Lee
Hacker, SP4 Thomas Ewald
Hadnott, PFC Gary Anderson
Hale, PFC Henry Maurice Staffor
Halt,m CPL Ardon
Hamil, 1LT Louis William
Hardie, PO2 Charles David
Hardy, CPL Abraham Lincoln
Harper, CPL Robert Edward
Harrell, PFC James Randolph
Harris, SP4 Billy Dean
Harris, SP4 Ned Henry
Hauger, PFC Kevin Jeffrey
Havemann, WO James Edward
Haverkamp, SSG Austin William
Hawkins lll, SGT Philip
Hernandez, PFC William Anthony
Hicks, SP4 Levil
Hill, A2C Richard Dale
Hill, PO3 Raymond Jerome
Hillard, SGT William Earl
Hillin, LCPL Douglas Wayne
Hinson, SP4 Thomas Allen
Hochmuth, MAJGEN Bruno Arthur
Hoelscher, PFC John Michael
Hoggatt, PFC Joseph Lee
Honey, 1LT Richard Lance
House, SSG John Lee
Howe, CPT Olan Joseph
Hubbard, SSG W D
Hudson, PFC Kenneth Wayne
Hughes lll, SP4 John Raymond
Hurst, SSG Jake Edward
Ibarra, LCPL Mike Gomez
Irby, PFC Donald Reece
Isom, PVT Theodore
Jackson, CLP David Leon
Jackson, PFC Alpha Ray
Jackson, PFC Lawrence
James, SSG Bobby Joe
Jasso, PFC Martin
Jenkins, PVT Roland Hayes
Jennings, CLP Timothy Paul
Jimenez, PFC Joseph Arthur
Johnson, PFC Charles Ray
Johnson, SGT Claude Lee
Johnson, SN August David
Johnson, SP4 Carl Thomas
Jones, CPL Gary William
Jones, PFC George Allen
Jones, SP4 Jimmie Douglas
Jordan, SP4 Robert Clayton
Joseph, Serna, CPL Philip
Kaplon Jr, CPL Phillip Felix
Keefe, MSG Richard Carlysle
Keel, SGT David Lattimore
Kelly, CPL John Franklin
Kerr Jr, PFC J L
Key, PO2 Anthony Wayne
Kirby, PFC Gerald
Knight, WO Terry Vascal
Kohanke, CPL Lance Jack
Kollenberg, 1LT Charles Louis
Korolzyk, PFC Ralph Stanley
La Field Jr, CPL William Truman
Lawrence, SP4 Bert Otto
Lee Jr, PFC Marion Leonard
Lewis, LCPL Stephen Herman
Lewis, SGT Charles Edward
Lindley, PFC Bobby Pat
Lindsey, PFC Jack Wayne
Liserio, PFC Joe Frank
Locket Jr, SGT Robert
Lopez, SGT Jose
Luna, LTC Donald Alfred
Lusk, LCPL Sammy Ray
Maddux, CPL David Allen
Madison, SP4 Cyril Hyman
Mahoney, CPL Timothy Keith
Manning, PFC Jerry
Martinez, PVT Robert R
Mayo, PFC Pike Powers
Mc Aninch, CPL Michael Alan
Mc Cartney, PFC Joseph Byron
Mc Clatchy, SSG Percy W
Mc Intyre, CPL Robert Lewis
Mc Kibben, WO Larry Sims
Mc Shan, SSGT Doyle Allen
Medlin, LCPL John William
Middleton, PFC Homer Ray
Milburn, SSG Albert
Miller, HN David Michael
Mills, LCPL Leonard Mark
Mitcham, FA Charles Emmett
Mitchell Jr, SP4 Torrance
Mitchell, 1LT Michael Lang
Mitchell, LCPL Michael Dennis
Montemayor, PFC Frank DeLeon
Moore Jr, PFC Albert
Morales, CPL Felipe
Morris Jr, SP5 Julius William
Morris, PFC Donald Durwood
Morton, SP5 William Howard
Moudry, SP4Charles Ray
Myers, SGT Donald Wayne
Najar, PFC Miguel Fernando
Neel, PFC Robert Ray
Noland, LCPL Jerry Lynn
Norman, 1LT Marion Henry
Ortiz Jr, CLP Lawrence
Ortiz Jr, SGT Jose Espiridion
Page, PFC John willie
Palmer, SP4 Jesse James
Palmore, CPL Robert Duane
Pantoja Jr, PFC Cipriano J
Patrick, CPL Derek Wilkerson
Patrick, PFC Calvin Ray
Pepple Jr, CPL Carl Franklin
Phelps, PFC Herman Roy
Phillips, PFC Norris Arthur
Pickard, PFC Alfred
Pike, PFC Nixon Dewayne
Pilkenton, PFC Clarence Wesley
Pongratz, SP4 Ronald Eugene
Ramirez, LCPL Juan Jose
Ramsey, CPL Don Michael
Randall, SP4 Delbert Bryan
Randall, SP4 Garland Jerome
Randolph, SP4 Seth Earl
Ray, 2LT Roland Wooldriedge
Reyner, CPL David Elliot
Richard, SGT Donald Wayne
Richardson, CPL Larry Eugene
Ritch, SP4 Harold Junior
Robbins, PFC Henry Earl
Roberts, PFC Howard Taylor
Robinson, PFC Robert Douglas
Robinson, PO2 Frank Eugene
Rocha, SP4 Raymond Gonzales
Rodriguez, PFC Jesse Nicklus
Roe, Capt Jerry Lee
Roller Jr, SGT Charles Bennette
Roush, MAJ William Wakefield
Roy Jr, PFC Henry John
Royston, SGT Roy Lee
Ruiz, PFC Antonio Elizondo
Ryan, CLPL Robert Dale
Ryan, PFC Lionel Alvarez
Ryza, SP4 Wayne David

Salazar, SP5 Robert
Salinas, SGT Ramiro Lopez
Sanchez Jr, LCPL Macario
Sapp, PFC Jeffery Truett
Schilling, SGT George Don
Schmidt Jr, SP4 Dale William
Schroeder, PFC Joe Lawrence
Schulte, SP4 Norman Douglas
See, SP4 Michael Duane
Sharp, FN Stephen Carl
Sharp, PFC Michael Anthony
Shaughnessy Jr, CAPT John Frances
Shelton, PFC Darwin Hugh
Shimek, PFC Albert Lawrence
Simon, PFC Thomas James
Simpson, CPL Melvin Richard
Sinegal, PFC Larry James
Skiles, WO Theodore Van
Slay, PFC Ronnie Glynn
Sloan, SP4 Larry Eugene
Smith, CPL Clifton Thomas
Smith, LCPL Albert John
Smith, PFC Willie Franklin
Smith, SGT Eugene
Smith, SGT James Warren
Smith, SP4 Roy Milton
Solomon, CPL Floyd Dean
Sony, CPL Thomas Anthony
Sparks, Pfc Paul Allan
Spratley, CPL Glenn Eugene
Staley, SSG John Arthur
Stansbury, WO Thomas Rodgers
Stark, SGT Alfred
Steiner, HN Lawrence Terrell
Stilley, SP4 John Wayne
Stone, CPT Byron Clark
Strong, SGT David Allen
Suarez, GYSGT Valentine Berrones
Swanson Jr, SGT Bobby Gene
Swonke Jr, CPL Edward Antone
Tamayo, PFC Joel
Templin Jr, CLPL Erwin Benard
Thomas Jr, PFC Theodore Dave
Thomas Jr, PVT Earl William
Thomas Jr, SP5 Matthew Alonzo
Thomas, LCPL Gerald Lynn
Thompson lll, 1LT Victor Hugo
Thompson, COL William James
Thorn, CPL Clifton Cardell
Tobias, SP4 Billy Lee
Tolleson, PFC Lyndol Earl
Torres, PFC Louis Ferndez
Triggs , SP4 Waymon Leon
Tritico, PFC Michael Joseph
Tucker Jr, CPL James Edward
Tyson, SP4 Larry Preston
Urbanovsky, PFC Robert Eugene
Vale, PFC Tony
Van Sant, CPL John Willard
Vara, PFC Paul Martinez
Verastique, SP5 Johnny Ralph
Votaw, LCPL Marvin Lynn
Vrba Jr, MAJ James Mathew
Wacker, SP4 Joseph Henry
Washington, PFC James Bell
Washington, PVT James B.
Watson, PFC Carnell Earl
White, CPL Larry Joe
Whitlock, PFC Alan D.
Whittlesey, SSG Roy Lee
Williams, LCPL Rufus Timothy
Williams, SF4 Eddie Earl
Willis, SGT Hiney
Wilson, PFC Kerry Frank
Wilson, SP4 Robert Eugene
Witchet, SSG Fred Douglas
Witzkoski, PFC Billy Joe
Wood Jr, PVT Calvin Knight
Wood, CPL Johnny Mac
Woodrum, CPT John James
Wright, PFC Michael Vincent
Wyatt, MAJ Edward William
Young, FA James Edward
Young, SGT Richard Ray
Zamudio Jr, SP4 Benigno

Liberty County
10 Fallen Warriors
Cleveland, 2 Killed In Action
Green, SPS Melvin
Oliver, CPL Robert Lynn
Devers, 1 Killed In Action
Percy, PFC Donald Lee
Liberty, 7 Killed in Action
Baldwin Jr, CPL Nello
Barton, SSGT James Wesley
Hamilton Jr, CPT Robert Lee
Martin, PFC Larry Wayne
Mc Adams, CPT Thomas Arthur
Phears, WO Ronald Gene
Wilkey Jr, GYSGT Emmitt James
Montgomery County
13 Fallen Warriors
Conroe, 9 Killed In Action
Copeland, LCLP Joe Mikel
Gilford, CLP James Arnold
Lowe, CAPT Donald W
Miller, SFC Eddie Lee
Munoz, SGT Johnny
Rushing, P4 George William Rushing
Spearmon, SGT James B
Vickery, PFC Clarke Kemble
Webber, PFC Floyd Dean
Montgomery, 1 Killed In Action
Baldwin, PFC Clifton Adair
New Caney, 1 Killed In Action
Holle, SP4 John William
Splendora, 1 Killed In Action
Welch, PSGT Norman Gene
Willis, 1 Killed In Action
Lawson Jr., CPL Johnnie Carl
Waller County
2 Fallen Warriors
Hempstead, 1 Killed In Action
Poole, CPT Otha L
Pattison, 1 Killed In Action
Cormier, SP4 Willis

Houston Medal of Honor
Lance Corporal Richard Allen Anderson
(16 April 1948 – 24 August 1969)
Lance Corporal Richard Allen Anderson was born in Washington, D.C. but grew up in Houston, Texas. He graduated from M.B. Smiley High School located in Houston in May of 1966. He also attended San Jacinto Junior College in Pasadena. Anderson enlisted in the Marine Corps in Houston on April 8, 1968. Upon completion of recruit training with the 2d Recruit Training Battalion, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California, he received individual combat training with the 1st Battalion, 2d Infantry Training Regiment, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California, and returned to San Diego to attend Sea School. He was promoted to Private First Class (PFC) effective 1 July 1968. PFC Anderson completed his training in October 1968, and was ordered to the Far East, where he joined Sub Unit #1, Provisional Service Battalion, 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade.
In November 1968, he was reassigned duty with the 3rd Marine Division in the Republic of Vietnam, and served initially as a rifleman with Company D, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines. In January 1969, he assumed duty as scout and, later, Assistant Fire Team Leader with Company E, 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Marine Division. He was promoted to Lance Corporal effective 1 June 1969.
On 24 August 1969, while participating in combat approximately 12 miles northwest of Vandegrift Combat Base in Quang Tri Province, he was serving as an assistant team leader with Company E, in connection with combat operations against an armed enemy. While conducting a patrol during the early morning hours L/Cpl. Anderson's reconnaissance team came under a heavy volume of automatic weapons and machine gun fire from a numerically superior and well concealed enemy force. Although painfully wounded in both legs and knocked to the ground during the initial moments of the fierce fire fight, L/Cpl. Anderson assumed a prone position and continued to deliver intense suppressive fire in an attempt to repulse the attackers. Moments later he was wounded a second time by an enemy soldier who had approached to within 8 feet of the team's position. Undaunted, he continued to pour a relentless stream of fire at the assaulting unit, even while a companion was treating his leg wounds. Observing an enemy grenade land between himself and the other marine, L/Cpl. Anderson immediately rolled over and covered the lethal weapon with his body, absorbing the full effects of the detonation. By his indomitable courage, inspiring initiative, and selfless devotion to duty, L/Cpl. Anderson was instrumental in saving several marines from serious injury or possible death. His actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the service of his country.
During the Vietnam War and in the following twelve months, 235 Medals of Honor were awarded and since 1978 a further 26 awards have been presented. Of the total of 261 awards, 174 were to the US Army, 15 to the US Navy, 58 to the USMC and 14 to the USAF.[3] These totals do not include the award to the Vietnam Unknown Soldier. Anderson was the only recipient from from the greater Houston area to receive the Medal of Honor.

Houston MIA
Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Henry Bacik
August 27, 1967. Recorded circumstances attributed to: MIA Died while missing in action
Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Henry Bacik, Served with Marine All-Weather fighter Attack Squadron 533 ( VMA-533 (AW) ), Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12), 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1st MAW), Third Marine Amphibious Force. n August 27, 1967, MAJ Vladimir H. Bacik and CAPT Paschal G. Boggs were crewmen in a USMC A-6A Intruder (#152639) from Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 (VMFA [AW]-533), Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12), 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1st MAW). MAJ Bacik and his bombardier/navigator departed Chu Lai Airfield, RVN, on a strike over North Vietnam. At approximately 0415 hours, MAJ Bacik reported via radio transmission that he was commencing his run on the target. This was the last contact with the aircraft. Search and rescue (SAR) operations consisting of visual and electronic measures were immediately conducted. An intermittent, weak beeper signal was heard but a bearing could not be obtained. The signal quickly terminated and was not heard again. SAR operations terminated at 1446 on August 27, 1967, with negative results. Both crewmen were listed as Missing in Action. Their remains have not been located. Bacik was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and Boggs to Major while missing. [Taken from coffeltdatabase.org]