Today, you would have been a man, I'm sure, one of the best; And would have marched in this parade, With medals on your chest.
You went to war with all the pride, That youth could ever grow; "Oh! I'll come home, don't worry Ma", As tears began to flow.
"God be with you, my precious son", She answered with a wave; "Remember how we love you and, Be careful and be brave".
But not too many days went by, When sorrow found its way; Two officers had climbed the steps, Where Wayne used to play.
And then the tears that mothers know, That leaves her bosom bare; Because her heart will shed a tear, For every beat that's there.
But, though you are not marching, Wayne Pisciotta, with the rest; With all the medals that you would, Be wearing on your chest,
There is a greater honor and, It's just for men like you; Who gave their life, in glory, for, The Red, the White and Blue.
And all that it embraces, as, It flies from shore to shore; Your name will be remembered and, Be honored evermore.