Thank You For Supporting The VCVA
The Vietnam Combat Veterans Association (VCVA) would like to thank our donors for their generosity and ongoing support to the Vietnam Fallen Warriors Monument. As a non-profit organization, we rely on your generosity to build this tribute and to continue to keep the memory of these soldiers and the Vietnam war alive.
For more information on contributing to the VCVA
Contact Ben Gutierrez, Commander of VCVA at 713-503-8014
or David by email:
Joaquin E. Prado for the rendering of the monument


$0 to $499
Bill Jezzard
Carole Allen
Karla Cisneros
Silvia Trevino
Brian Keith
Betty Keith
Priscilla Thomas
Matthew Davidson
Brendan Milliken
Cynthia Rodiguez
Nate Sumbry
David Allen
The Family of Sgt. Robert D. Spencer
David Ramos
Betsy Willis
Nikki Swendrzynski
Rudy Campos
Norma Ramos
Linda E Harrison
Joe Aranda
Katia Padilla
Angelica Wolfe
Debra Gutierrez
Craig Finnigan
Julie Coco
Kevin Vu
David M Ramos
Albert Sidney Johnston
John Heimburger
Linda Boardman
Collin Stanton
Frank E Escamilla
Steven Atwood
Emery & Pam Preston
Mario & Rosalyn Ceccacci
Ted Mahoney
Craig & Maria Hall
Will Oxley
Tejas Desai
Gary & Kim Day
Andy & Birdie Gooch
Thomas Guerrero
Kevin Haley
Rolling Thunder
Judith Davis
Layla Becker
Alfred & Rose Gutierrez
Riley Gardner Memorial
Jennifer Meier
Lenin Kailasammani
Duane Ross
Russell Preston
Steven Flynn
Mary S Ward
Bob Day
Gary Warner
Derek Sanders
Tomball VFW Post 2427
Mark & Nancy Pheatt
Cakes by Julia
Dickerson VFW Post 6378
Dennis Agnelly
Michael Horrocks
Jesse Garcia
John Partland
John Petko
Charles Watson
Dennis Loop
Rosenberg VFW Post 3903
Santa Fe VFW Post 5400
Spring Army Surplus
Barry Fredenberg
William J & Margaret Green
Dennis A Giacovelli
Randall Pais
Gregory Murray
Susan Parish
Eugene Tulica
Charles Crandell

$500 to $49,999
Spring Branch VFW Post 8790
Spring Branch VFW Auxiliary Post 8790
Ben Gutierrez
Jim Conley with Operation Lone Star
Giangty Vo Christina
E.J. Pat Barbier with VFW Motorcyle Group
Bobby Schlitzberger
Spring Branch VFW Post 8790
Sammie & Dennis Peters
Richard Akin
Cypress VFW Bingo Post 8905
Crosby VFW Post 9761
Rosenberg VFW Post 3903
Leonard Gutierrez
Hortencia Kayser
Herzstein Foundation
Troy Duess
Dr. MW Williams & Dr Michelle Byron
McLemore Det 324 Marine Corp League
Vietnam Combat Veterans Association
Porter VFW Post 4816
Rix Pit BBQ
Schlitzberger & Daughters
Galveston VFW Post 16
E.A. (Buddy) Grantham
Castro Valley VFW Post 9601
Timothy Spencer
Jewish War Veterans Post 574
Swan Stone Arts
David Lewis
Benjamin Thompson
VFW District 4
CDR Sean Ellis
Sr Vice CDR Buddy Grantham
Jr Vice CDR Carl Dunn
Quartermaster Mike Contreras